Courage, Power & Peace

Grow forward with resilience and inspiration in 10 weeks.


Two Fall 2024 Circle Options in Marquette County:

Marquette Circle | Sept. 29 - Dec. 1 | @ BeWell MQT | Sundays, 4PM - 6:30PM-ish

 Ishpeming Circle | Oct. 1 - Dec. 3 | @ Apiary Life Studio | Tuesdays, 6PM - 8:30PM-ish


>> Registration for both circles closes Wed., Sept. 25, 2024 <<


Strengthen tools, clarity, and connection for everyday life.


~ Practice the art of healthy compassionate boundaries and watch your relationships in life and work evolve.
~ Develop yourself authentically from the inside out - instead of living from somebody else's idea of how you ought to be.

~ Let go of "shoulds" and judgments that keep you feeling caged-in and uneasy.

 ~ Be mentored by an experienced Emotional Wellness Life Coach with a proven history of helping clients grow beyond where they can go on their own.

~ Enjoy the synergy and camaraderie of being part of a small group of women with a personal growth mindset.


Led by Amy Turner, Emotional Wellness Life Coach and owner of Apiary Life Studio.

 “The feeling we’ve developed among our circle and the tools that I’m learning in Courage, Power & Peace go with me everywhere I go. If only I'd learned these things 20 years ago! It's powerful.” ~ Heather L., Client

 “I was nervous at first not being sure what to expect from the group, but Amy put us all at ease from the very first session. I'm really enjoying the modules and reflection questions - and it's amazing how much we learn from listening to others in the circle. I look forward to this every week. I'm so glad I decided to make this a priority. Definitely recommend.” ~ Katie, Client

 “This course has changed the way I see myself and the role I play in my relationships. I've grown into a more empowered woman in my marriage, my workplace, as a mother, and with my friends. I loved my circle experience and I love the more expanded ME I grew into through the process. I've already recommended this to other women in my life!” ~ Bethany C., Client


Healthy Roots: Belonging, Courage & Trust

Module 1 // Allow your truest self to belong. Gain a foundational understanding of how we are made to live and work among each other, despite vast differences - and our part in it.

Compassion: I Care

Module 2 // Learn compassion as a tool for resilience - without overdoing it. Deepen compassion for yourself and the people in your life or workplace...and beyond.

Ownership: I Can

Module 3 // Gain inspiration and guidance for moving forward in life and work as you take ownership for who you are. What can you do or create as changes occur? What is too much? Life and work begins with you.

Unity: We Can

Module 4 // Learn about working and living together through the challenge, beauty and peace of interdependence.

Respect: I Matter, You Matter

Module 5 // Answer the call to be fair to ourselves and each other. Hone your ability to respond authentically and courageously in times of challenge.

Awareness: I See

Module 6 // Deepen your ability to use the intellect of your emotions, body and mind as you assess and interact with the big wide world around you - and within you.

Grace & Grit: I Persevere

Module 7 // Deepen your understanding and practices around sustainable perseverance. Life is for the long haul and it doesn't all happen at once.

Energy Movement & Renewal: I Renew

Module 8 // Learn practices and principles to increase your ability to move and rest your energy - so you can move and rest in the flow of life.

“This course has empowered my life in ways I didn’t expect. If you’re on the fence, don’t hesitate!” ~ Liz S., Client

Tuition Cost

The Fall 2024 sessions are offered at a tuition rate of $450. This includes 10 weekly in-person group sessions led by Amy Turner, 8 online unit modules, customizable reflection questions, and 8 weekly pre-recorded bonus meditations.

Receive a $25 discount from your overall tuition when you pay with cash instead of bank card.

Customizable Payment plans available.

Just ask! Many participants choose this option. Have questions about registration or payments? Reach out to  the course instructor Amy Turner by calling or texting (541) 306-9386.

Click the PRE-REGISTRATION INTAKE FORM button near the top or bottom of this page to begin your registration.


Enjoy a small group circle in an intimate setting this winter!


Courage, Power & Peace offers 10 sessions to discover wisdoms, strengthen resilience, and build community for your ever changing seasons of life.

You'll participate in 10 weekly in-person peer group sessions throughout your cohort circle.

~ In case of inclement weather we will meet via Zoom or add a make up session as needed, determined by the instructor.


  • Session 1: Creating the Circle
  • Sessions 2 - 9: Peer group discussions of the weekly topic modules (outlined above)
  • Session 10: Closing the Circle

This course is developed and led by Emotional Wellness Life Coach, Amy Turner. 


  • 10 weekly peer group sessions (in-person, 2 hrs. each; sessions may go over depending on in-the-moment sharing)
  • 8 self-paced modules (approximately 25 min. each week - you can listen or watch at your convenience)
  • Self-reflection questions for self-contemplation (set aside a minimum of one hour for journaling responses and/or pondering concepts throughout each week; you may spend more time with the work as desired)
  • NOTE: Module reflections are not to be turned in, but you will bring your reflections to our group sessions; they are to deepen your self-discovery and add to your peer group experience

 “This has changed the way I go about my life and work. I'm a better version of myself - more relaxed and confident, more able to have important conversations with my husband, kids, and coworkers. The shift was noticeable from the very first session and it's just grown from there. I've learned so much. Definitely recommend.” ~ Amy A., Client

Each cohort circle session is limited to 8 participants to support an intimate circle environment with plenty of time for you.


Would you like to set a time to speak with the course instructor Amy Turner about goals you might have or to see if this is a right fit for you?


Prospective students are invited to reach out to the course instructor Amy Turner by calling or texting (541) 306-9386.


About the Instructor


Amy Turner

Amy Turner is an Emotional Wellness Life Coach and Founder of Apiary Life Studio. She has created a multitude of custom programs and tools to help all kinds of people connect to their resilience, clarity and inspiration in life. Amy has served a variety of clients from Fortune 100 business leaders to stay at home parents, artists to medical professionals, and many more.

Amy works with people ready to navigate their purposeful, beautiful, and sometimes challenging lives with intention and heart.

"Let us not be defined by the situation of the moment, but by the courage from which we rise."

- Amy Turner, Emotional Wellness Life Coach